
DummyMaker :hotsprings:

travis Maintainability codecov

Library can generate Dummies using special factories, populate their fields with unique values via special Gen annotations, export them in CSV/JSON/XML/SQL formats.

How to produce your first 1.000.000 unique Dummies 1) Create Dummy. 2) Annotate Dummy with special GenAuto annotation. 3) Use GenProduceFactory to produce 1.000.000 Dummies. 4) Done.

Dependency :rocket:




dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.goodforgod:dummymaker:1.1.3'



How all is linked together:

Dummy object fields should be marked with special Gen annotations.

Each Gen annotation have special hidden IGenerator responsible for value generation.

When GenPopulateFactory is used, it scans for such annotations and use hidden generators to generate values for Dummy object fields.

Or special IComplexGenerator is used to build complex value (or value with annotation attributes involved) for specific Gen annotations like GenList.

Exporters use scanners to verify what fields to export and format values in chosen format.


Factories to populate Dummy fields with values.


IGenerator generators are the producers of random values of specific type. Used by IPopulateFactory to generate values for Dummy object fields. Are part of Gen annotations cause indicate what generator each annotation is using.

You can create your own IGenerator implementations as well for Gen annotations.

Check example how to create your own

Complex Generators

Have similar purpose as IGenerator but with extended abilities.

Complex Generators are special generators used to build complex values where you can access entity field or annotations properties.

You can create your own IComplexGenerator implementations as well for complex Gen annotations.

Check example how to create your own


It is easily for you to create custom Gen annotations and IGenerator generators.

Gen Annotations

Gen annotations allow you to mark Dummy fields and tell GenPopulateFactory to fill this fields with randomly generated values.

This annotations hide inside itself specified IGenerator class which is responsible for value generation.

Generate annotations start with Gen prefix (like GenInteger, GenEmail, GenId, etc).

Core Annotations

Library provides PrimeGen and ComplexGen annotations as markers to build other annotations GenLong or GenList.

PrimeGen annotation is used to build simple annotations with IGenerator interface involved. ComplexGen annotation is used to build complex generators with IComplexGenerator interface.

Annotations used as markers on top of other annotations, which will be used to annotate fields in the end. This annotations takes IGenerator/IComplexGenerator as a input when building top level annotation. Check guide below for example.

Auto Annotation

Use just GenAuto annotation on top of your class and library will automatically try to find suitable generators for your Dummy fields. Annotation provides just single embedded depth support.

As simple as it can be. Magic. Check example.

Array Annotations

GenArray annotation allow you to generate an array of any type library provides generators for. Arrays in classes annotated with @GenAuto will be generated automatically.

Annotations support special attributes like:

GenArray2D annotation allow you to generate two dimension array of any type library provides generators for. Arrays in classes annotated with @GenAuto will be generated automatically.

Annotations support special attributes like:

Arrays exports are supported only by JsonExporter in mean time.

Collection Annotations

Collection annotations like: GenList, GenSet, GenMap used to populate fields with such types. GenList - produce ArrayList collection. GenSet - produce HashSet collection. GenMap - produce HashMap collection.

Annotations support special attributes like:

This attributes are used by GenMap annotation only (instead of generator attribute):

Collection exports are supported only by JsonExporter in mean time.

Time Annotation

GenTime annotation is used to create time/dateTime/timestamps for field. Automatically identify field time type and generate value for it.

Supported time fields types

Annotations support special attributes like:

Embedded Annotation

GenEmbedded annotation used to mark complex object fields (like fields which also contain Gen annotations inside).

Annotation support depth parameter, which indicates maximum depth of the Dummy from its root and can have 11 levels as maximum.

Embedded fields are NOT SUPPORTED by any IExporter in mean time.

Special Annotations


IExporter exporters allow you to export Dummy objects to the shown format via file or as a string.

There are 4 available exporters with different formats:

All Exporters Parameters

Constructor parameters available for all exporters.

Or you can create your own case using ICase interface.

CsvExporter Specific Parameters

XmlExporter Specific Parameters

SqlExporter Specific Parameters

DataTypeMap is used to extend your data types to export in sql format.

So you can match java class to SQL type. Like map Java Integer to SQL INT type. Using this parameter you can extend or change defaults mapped data types.

Getting Started Examples

Annotations Examples

Field annotate example

Make sure that Gen annotation generate type is same or is castable to field type, or field type is string so in this case any object can be casted to string.

Auto Gen magic

Just simple use GenAuto on class and library will do all for you. All fields will be populated automatically if such generators are available.

Check Auto Annotation part for details.

Force and Ignore annotations

In this case, field city will be export despite it isn’t marked with Gen annotation, value will be “Saint-Petersburg”. And field id will NOT be export if ignore annotation will have true (default) value.

Enumerate and Rename field example

GenEnumerate annotation will enumerate Dummy field starting from 10 in this case (from 0 is default). It means if we want to produce 10 Dummy Objects, they will have id from 10 to 19.

GenRenameExport annotation will change field or class export name.

Class name Rename example

GenRenameExport annotation will change class export name.in this case.

Gen Time annotation example

You can generate time/date values using this annotation.

Read more in time annotation section.

Arrays annotation example

You can populate single or two dimension array any generic type you want, if such IGenerator is available (or you can create your own generator).

Read more in array annotation section.

Collection annotation example

You can populate collections such as Set, List, Map with any generic type you want, if such IGenerator is available (or you can create your own generator).

Read more in collection annotation section.

Collection parameters

List will have from 50 to 100 elements and values will be generated by NameGenerator Set will always have a fixed 13 elements (or less if hash codes will be the same for different objects)

Embedded fields example

You can populate complex object fields using GenEmbedded annotation.

In this case depth of embedded object field will be 5 levels.

And embedded list will have only 1 depth level.

Factories Examples

GenPopulateFactory/GenProvideFactory this factories allow you to populate/produce Dummy objects.

Produce 1 or more Dummy objects demonstration

Populate 1 or more Dummy objects demonstration

GenPopulateFactory will be useful in case, you already have complex objects and you want just to populate some of their fields.

Exporters Examples

Exporters allow you to export Dummy objects to shown format as a file or string.

Available formats:

Export demonstration

Exporters with parameters

All Exporters parameters you can find in specified section.

Export as a string

Export as string is useful in case you have custom writer or need to send it over network.


You can extend basic functionality with your own annotations and generators. All infrastructure will support custom generators, annotations, generate factories with no doubt.

First step to your own Gen annotation:


Is responsible for generating values for fields.

Gen Annotation

Is created using special PrimeGen annotation and custom generator as its value.

Is used to mark Dummy object field with specific generator.


Is used to build complex values for fields, when simple IGenerator implementation is insufficient or Gen annotation require special parameters or when you need to access field.

Complex Gen Annotation

Is created using special ComplexGen annotation and custom complex generator as its value.

Is used to mark Dummy object field with specific complex generator.

Export File Structures

Examples of exported Dummy object in each format.

Dummy Class Example

public class User {

    public Integer id;

    public String name;


Can be used to import data in Cassandra, Mongo, Neo4j, etc…

Csv exporter can generate header. (Like in example below) This option is available to set during instantiating like others.



Can be used to import data in Mongo, MySQL, etc…

	"User": [
			"name": "GREGORY",
			"id": "-2123372253"
			"name": "HAROLD",
			"id": "-1637387700"


Can be used to import data in MySQL, SQL Server, etc…



Can be executed to load data in any SQL database.

Don’t forget about Primary Key!

Each insert query can contains max 999 rows (Due to 1000 insert row limit in SQL).

	name	VARCHAR,
	id  INT,

INSERT INTO user (name, id) VALUES 
('GREGORY', -2123372253),
('HAROLD', -1637387700);

Version History

1.1.4 - Unsigned int and byte, @Ignore annotation, @GenEnum enum generation, minor improvements.

1.1.3 - Embedded objects in arrays, collections full support, collections\arrays embedded depth support, Json & SQL exporters arrays & collections support.

1.1.2 - Full primitive support, single or two dimension array support, jsonExporter collection, map, array support.

1.1.1 - Factory performance improvements (about 40%), GenAuto annotation, IComplexGenerator the successor of IGenerateFactory, primitive support, Embedded multi level depth support, bug fixes.

1.1.0 - Performance and architecture improvements, IGenerateFactory introduced, collection Gen annotations, time Gen annotations, Embedded Gen support, architecture improvements in custom user extension support.

1.0.3 - Lots of tests for all functionality, Added DataTypeMap parameter for users in SqlExporter (expandable data type for sql), NamingStrategy for exporters, bug fixes.

1.0.2 - Added special GenRenameExport annotation, export as single string, export values order fix, minor fixes and improvements.

1.0.1 - Added new generator and annotations, special GenEnumerate annotation, other minor fixes (Like SQL export).

1.0.0 - Initial project with core functions.


This project is licensed under the MIT - see the LICENSE file for details.